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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mundane meets somewhat interesting...

Many people I meet, from overseas, imagine that I live an idyllic existence in Seychelles with my time split between a mix of fascinating, feel-good conservation work, beach parties and barbeques. If only... Admittedly my first few years in Seychelles in the early 90s whilst working on small islands and when in the possession of my own boat were different with much more of my leisure time actually devoted to leisure. It was pretty good, I really enjoyed my time off but that also has something to do with being 20-something – I think.

Alas! These days just like everywhere else, for everyone else, normal life gets in the way. My work entails lots of tedious meetings and paperwork just like most managers. My main employers insist I work half-Saturdays in some misguided belief that more time in the office automatically translates into greater productivity. Saturday afternoons are therefore generally spent shopping and/or recovering from the preceding 51/2 days which means Sunday usually gets dedicated to delightful chores like laundry, ironing and cleaning. Yes I live in a truly beautiful country and I am lucky to spend a significant amount of my working time doing things outdoors that I enjoy – but it isn’t all BBQs and parties (I could of course make more of an effort in that regard but that’s another matter!).

Still the wonderful thing about the tropics relative to temperate climes is the intensity and abundance of nature all around you it’s like it’s constantly spring! This morning I was hanging laundry out to dry on my balcony when a Seychelles turtle dove (Streptopelia picturata) landed on the roof opposite with a twig in its mouth. I caught its movement in the corner of my eye as I was turning away and so turned back quite abruptly. My rapid movement made it suddenly aware of my presence also and an amusing moment passed between us as the bird appeared to try to look casual as if “it often flew around on a Sunday with a twig in its beak - just to pass the time you know”; whilst I waited to see if its nest was nearby. Well the bird was not doing anything whilst I was on the balcony so after a minute or two I went inside but continued to observe it through the curtains. As soon as I was out of sight the dove took flight off the roof across the clearing and into the canopy of a nearby palm tree.

Over the next few minutes I observed the dove repeat the same flight path several times and was able to ascertain the location of the nest. The nest is well concealed but the occasional breeze will move the palm leaves sufficiently to give a view of it and the second dove seated upon it. Incubating already or just putting her house in order with the additional materials brought by her mate? I couldn’t tell - but I did manage to get some reasonable photos despite the distance and screening greenery.

Skerrett et al (2001)[1] states that Seychelles/Madagascar turtle doves[2] have a breeding peak from October to February and that the chicks are initially covered in bright orange down! I’ve never seen this before but the angle from the balcony is quite good – so I will keep a watch on the nest and report back.

Success of course is not guaranteed and this attempt faces a few dangers. Firstly the resident in the flat across the way has a cat and I often see it on the roof which the birds use as their perch before approaching the nest. Second there are a lot of rats around and when the chicks start calling they may well attract the attention of the arboreal Rattus rattus . Finally there are a lot of common Mynahs as well and they are a known nest predator.

One might be tempted to say that is all just part of nature until one realises that rats, cats and Mynahs are all invasive species in Seychelles introduced by man! So not natural at all!!! Anyway I will follow the nest’s progress and keep you posted in the hope of seeing some bright orange chicks!!!

[1] Skerrett et al (2001). Birds of Seychelles. Helm Books, London, UK.
[2] The birds in question are clearly grey headed and as such show the phenotype of the Madagascan nominate race.

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